Wells of Hope


Please join us to help children around the world have a better life

Who We Are?

Thousands of children whose parents are in prison pay for the crimes of their parents and face hard life as they have no food, clothing, treatment, school fees, they have no one to love and care for them.
Child sponsorship is a means of sharing love in a practical way with a poor needy child, whose parent(s) is/are in prison. It is a parental relationship between a donor / sponsor. It is a linking of a child in need from a developing country to a sponsor in a developed country.

We are currently facing a big challenge, to care for the children whose parents have been imprisoned and they have no one to look after them. Again in our outreach to the families of prisoners we cannot ignore the problems of such children, so we have an opportunity by reaching out to these children practically by catering for their physical needs. The cases here are unique, there instances where you find a family where a father/husband is in prison and it is the mother/wife who has been left to care for the family. These cases are the majority, in such cases where the father has been the bread winner, life becomes very difficult for the woman in the home; what happens in such a case the family is evicted from the home if they have been renting the house and the children drop out of school, the woman has to find employment which is not easy to support the rather torn apart home, some resort to begging and so many social evils are attracted. It is these women we either see on the street or are taken advantage of, and it is these children we see abused or molested, and no one is ready to help because everyone is pointing a figure at them because of the imprisonment of the head of the family.
It is for this reason that we pray and ask God to bring people who can partner with us as we reach out to help the children with parents in prison.

Some children as a result of their parents or guardians have been imprisoned drop out of school, or they never perform very well at school because they are ever being chased from school when they default in fees payment. Some of these children are the ones we see on the street begging or eventually end up being arrested for causing havoc on the street. Normally these children who are young and very vulnerable are left for the society to judge and treat them in any way.

Sponsor a Child

For as little as $45.00 a month for a child in primary, you can dramatically change a child’s life and become a partner with Wells of Hope Ministries. Your monthly gift will provide tuition, food, clothing, and medical assistance when needed.

There are also opportunities to sponsor children in; high school at a cost of only $60.00 per month and tertiary at a cost of only $80.  Click here to donate online

  • A sponsor receives three letters a year, a report card, yearly photos and an open invitation to visit with his or her sponsored child in Uganda.
  • Gifts outside sponsorship money may include Christmas gifts and birthday gifts. And sponsored children write a thank you letter for every gift received.

Sponsoring a child is more than just giving money. Your child will regard you as gift from God and will pray for you each day as well as write letters to you. Your involvement in a child’s life makes a dramatic difference.

Are ready to sponsor a child? Click here https://wellsofhope.org/choose-a-child-to-sponsor.html