Wells of Hope

Choose a Child to Sponsor

For details about a child, click on his or her name. To give towards their education and welfare, click on the sponsor me button for details. The children’s faces have been disguised for their protection.

If you have questions or would like to get more details about the sponsorship program, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at info@wellsofhope.org /+256(0)414251326/+256(0)781889447/+256(0)705250097



Paul is a humble 7 year old boy at Wells of Hope. He enjoys playing football and helping his friends at school. His favorite color is red whereas rice is his favorite dish. He has two sisters and one of them Agnes is under the care and support of Wells of Hope. His dream after finishing school is to become a policeman.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Paul and his siblings used to stay with their mother, who ploughs gardens for other people in the community in order to generate income for sustaining the family. When Wells of Hope visited the family, they were staying with a friend after their house was burnt down due to mob justice.

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Prisca is a very outgoing, intelligent 8 year old girl. She loves playing on the swings. Her favorite dish is rice, bananas(plantain) and beef whereas pink and red are her favorite colors. She has three siblings and her younger brother, Joseph is also under the Wells of Hope Education Support program. Her dream is to become a police officer in future.

Prisca and her siblings stay with their mother who struggles alone to make ends meet. Before joining Wells of Hope, they would sometimes go without food. When she tried to seek for support from her husband’s family, they threatened to take her children from her. In order to survive, she digs on people’s plantations and washes clothes for other people. With the little earnings, Prisca’s mother cannot afford her children’s school fees while trying to put food on the table.

By sponsoring Prisca, you will help her attain her dream of becoming a police officer.

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Jonathan is an intelligent, 8 year old boy at Wells of Hope. His favorite color is yellow and his favorite dish is rice with beef. He wants to become a doctor when he completes school. He has four siblings and one of his sisters, Leticia is under Wells of Hope care.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Jonathan and his sister used to stay with their grandmother in a muddy house without windows and doors. They used to go to the garden to help their grandmother first before heading to school, otherwise they would miss food. Their mother passed away 3 years after they were separated from their father.

By sponsoring Jonathan, you will help him attain his dream of becoming a doctor.

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Rosemary is an 8 year old girl at Wells of Hope. She is very outgoing; and she enjoys playing on the swings. Rice, bananas (plantain) with beans is her favorite dish. Her favorite colors are pink, red and yellow. Rosemary’s dream is to become a doctor in future.

Before joining Wells of Hope, she used to stay with her mother; who is a peasant farmer. She grows beans, but with the little income she earns, she cannot afford her daughter’s school fees. Rosemary used to skip school. At the time Wells of Hope visited the family, Rosemary had been chased away from school because her mother had not paid all the fees; she was in the garden with her mother. Her mother had gone with her to the garden with no solution at all. They used to go without food and if they were lucky, it was one meal a day.

By sponsoring Rosemary, she can attain her dream of becoming a doctor.

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Dian is a very friendly, beautiful 9 year old girl. She loves playing on swings with her friends. Her favorite colors are yellow and purple. Rice, yams with beef is her favorite dish. She has 7 siblings and her older sister Lydia is under the care and support of Wells of Hope. Her dream is to become a teacher in future.

When she was separated from her father, her mum became helpless; she decided to take Dian and her two siblings to their grandmother. This really affected Dian because they were a happy family. Her grandmother is 75 years old; she is weak and too sickly to help them.

By sponsoring her, you will enable her achieve her dream of becoming a teacher.

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David is a 9 year old boy at Wells of Hope. He’s humble and very outgoing. His favorite color is red and his dream is to become a teacher in future. His favorite dish is yams and chicken. His sister Annet is also under the Education Support Program; he’s Annet’s younger brother.

Before joining Wells of Hope, David was not in school. He used to stay with his grandparents who are peasants. With the little money they get from farming, they cannot afford David’s tuition fees and scholastic materials.  David’s family is still stigmatized by the community because of the crime David’s father committed. No one wants to associate with them; and they do not want to buy their produce whenever they put it on the market for sale. When Wells of Hope visited the family the very first time, David was wearing dirty clothes, barefooted and no shirt. David did not know who his father was before he joined the organisation. When they met for the very first time, his father could not recognise him because at the time they were separated, David was still in his mother’s womb. David’s father couldn’t stop hugging him when they met for the very first time. He is very grateful to the organization for reuniting him with his children.

By sponsoring David, you will help him attain his dream of becoming a teacher.

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Rosemary is an 8 year old girl at Wells of Hope. She is very outgoing; and she enjoys playing on the swings. Rice, bananas (plantain) with beans is her favorite dish. Her favorite colors are pink, red and yellow. Rosemary’s dream is to become a doctor in future.

Before joining Wells of Hope, she used to stay with her mother; who is a peasant farmer. She grows beans, but with the little income she earns, she cannot afford her daughter’s school fees. Rosemary used to skip school. At the time Wells of Hope visited the family, Rosemary had been chased away from school because her mother had not paid all the fees; she was in the garden with her mother. Her mother had gone with her to the garden with no solution at all. They used to go without food and if they were lucky, it was one meal a day.

By sponsoring Rosemary, she can attain her dream of becoming a doctor.

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Ruth is a 10 year old girl at Wells of Hope Junior School. She loves playing football with her friends. Her favorite color is yellow whereas bananas(plantain) with beef is her favorite dish. She has four siblings and her brother Edison is under the care and support of Wells of Hope. She wants to be a teacher in future.

After Ruth’s family was separated, her paternal relatives (father’s relatives) forced them out of their father’s land claiming that they were cursed and that they didn’t want to associate with them. Their mother became helpless because life became so difficult that she could no longer sustain their education as well as feed them. Before joining Wells of Hope, Ruth had dropped out of school because her mother couldn’t afford her school fees.

By sponsoring Ruth, you will enable her attain her future dream of becoming a teacher.

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Leticia is a beautiful 10 year old girl at Wells of Hope. Playing dodge ball and dancing are her hobbies. Her favorite dish is rice, bananas (plantain) with groundnuts and blue is her favorite color. She is Jonathan’s older sister. She wants to become a nurse when she completes school.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Leticia and her brother used to stay with their grandmother who is very old and helpless; they stay in a muddy house without windows and doors. They would have one meal a day and before going to school they had to first go to the garden to help their grandmother otherwise they might miss food. Their mother passed away 3 years after they were separated from their father.

By sponsoring her, you will enable her attain her dream of becoming a teacher.

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Jennifer is an 11 year old girl at Wells of Hope. She joined Wells of Hope in 2014. She’s very social and likes playing on the swings. Her favorite food is rice; and red is her favorite color. One of Jennifer’s siblings, Daniel is also under the Wells of Hope Education Support Program. Jennifer wants to become a nurse in future.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Jennifer used to stay with her mother who depends on farming in order to provide them with food. She has many responsibilities which include also taking care of her 5 siblings. With her low income, Jennifer’s mother cannot provide education to her children. One of Jennifer’s most cherished moments since she joined the organisation was when she met her father for the very first time; it was a very emotional day.

Jennifer’s father is very glad that he got to meet his children and that they are in school; something he never imagined that would ever happen.

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Agnes is a very outgoing 12 year old girl at Wells of Hope. She enjoys playing football and playing on the swings with her friends. Rice is her favorite dish; and green is her favorite color. Agnes has two siblings; her younger brother Paul is also under the Wells of Hope Education Support program. In future, she wants to become a nurse.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Agnes and her siblings used to stay with their mother, who ploughs gardens for other people in the community in order to generate income for sustaining the family. When Wells of Hope visited the family, they were staying with a friend after their house was burnt down due to mob justice.

By sponsoring Agnes, you will help her to attain her dream of becoming a nurse.

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Jane is a beautiful, jolly 12 year old girl. She’s very friendly and enjoys making new friends. She has two siblings and one of them is under Wells of Hope care. Her favorite colors are blue and red whereas playing football is her hobby. Her favorite subject is mathematics and she wants to become a politician in future.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Jane and her siblings used to stay with their eldest brother who was the sole provider. He is a casual laborer. He earns a living through cleaning people’s floors. With the little money he earns, he cannot support Jane and her siblings in school. Jane had dropped out of school because her brother could not afford money for her school fees and to buy her scholastic materials.

With your help, Jane’s dream of becoming a politician can come to pass.

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Angela is a 12 year old girl and she’s very friendly. Her favorite color is yellow and her favorite dish is rice. Playing football is her hobby. Angela is the youngest of her three siblings. She wants to become a teacher in future.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Angela used to stay with her mother who is a casual laborer; and earns a living through digging other people’s plantations and working in a small restaurant. Angela’s mother used to strive to provide her daughter with education, but because of circumstances beyond her control, she could not afford Angela’s school fees; and this resulted in Angela skipping school. With the little income her mother earns, she cannot provide education to Angela.

Angela did not know who her father was because at the time they were separated, she was a week old. She’s grateful to God that she was able to meet him for the very first time in 2016.

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Maria is an outgoing 13 year old girl. She has 3 siblings and is the second last born. She has a younger sister, Annet who is under Wells of Hope Education Support Program. Maria’s favorite colors are pink, red and blue. Bananas (plantain) and rice is her favorite dish. She enjoys playing football with her friends. Her dream is to become a nurse in future.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Maria used to stay with her grandfather who is very old and frail. When her mother was was taken away from them, her father took her and her siblings to stay at their grandfather’s place. At the time Wells of Hope visited the family, Maria and her siblings were barefooted and did not have proper clothing. Their grandfather stays with other 3 grandchildren, who are Maria’s cousins. When her grandfather regains strength, he does farming to support the family. Before joining the organisation, she had never had a mother or even female figure in her life.

With your support, you will help Maria attain her dream of becoming a nurse and above all, her hope in a brighter future will be restored.

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Frank is a 13 year old boy and he is very friendly. Playing football is hobby whereas bananas (plantain) with beef is his favorite dish. His favorite color is red and his ambition is to become a doctor one day.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Frank was staying with his uncle, aunt and 6 cousins. Together, they used to live in a two-roomed house. His uncle does stone quarrying to support the family. At the time the organisation visited the family, Frank was not in school. With his little earnings, his uncle cannot afford his school fees and scholastic materials. Frank’s father passed away when he was four years old. Frank and his mother were separated when he was two years old. Before joining the organisation, he had never met his mother since their separation; when they met for the very first time, his mother was extremely happy!

With your help, Frank will be able to attain his dream of becoming a doctor.

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Anisha is a humble 13 year old girl at Wells of Hope. She enjoys playing netball in her free time. Her favorite color is red; whereas rice and potatoes is her favorite dish. In future, she wants to become a nurse. Anisha has 8 siblings. One of her siblings is under the Wells of Hope Education Support program; she’s Henry’s older sister.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Anisha used to stay with her 83 year old grandmother who went through great tension following her separation from her son (Anisha’s father). She is too traumatized and weak to care for Anisha and her siblings. Anisha’s mother passed on when she was 5 years old, leaving her in the care of her father who was separated from them a year after.

By sponsoring Anisha, you will enable her attain her dream of becoming a nurse.

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Juma is a 14 year old boy at Wells of Hope. He enjoys playing football and helping his friends. His favorite dish is potatoes with beef and his favorite color is blue. Mathematics is his favorite subject and his dream is to become a doctor in future.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Juma used to stay with his aunt who is very sickly to take care for him. Together, they used to stay in a one roomed house. The whereabouts of his mother are unknown. While at home, he helps his aunt with house work and also with garden work. Juma’s aunt used to strive make ends meet; she cannot afford Juma’s school fees as well as her medical treatment.

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Deborah is a jolly and friendly 14 year old girl at Wells of Hope. She is very active; she enjoys playing football with her friends. Her favorite dish is bananas (plantain) with fish and yellow is her favorite color. Deborah’s dream is to become a nurse after school. She has ten siblings; two of them are under Wells of Hope care.

Before joining the organisation in 2014, Deborah and her siblings used to stay with their grandfather who was their sole caregiver; unfortunately he passed away in 2017. After the separation from her father, her mother took her to her grandfather’s home. At the time the organisation visited the family, Deborah and her siblings had no proper clothes. They used to struggle to get something to eat; sometimes, they would have one meal a day or nothing at all; this resulted into their growth being stunted. At a tender age, they would go out to collect firewood and try to sell it to people in the community in order to get some money to buy food. They did not have beddings.

With your help, Deborah’s dream of becoming a nurse can come to reality.

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Betty is a humble, friendly 14 year old girl. She enjoys playing netball during her free time and her favorite color is red. Her favorite dish is rice and her dream is to become a doctor in future. She was so happy to join the school because she receives three lovely meals daily and she never skips school. One of her siblings is under the Wells of Hope Education Support program; she’s Catherine’s younger sister.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Betty and her siblings used to stay with their mother, who is a casual laborer. Catherine’s mother used to go all-out to provide education to her children. Unfortunately, with her low income, she cannot afford to keep her children in school. Betty and her siblings used to skip school.

By sponsoring Betty, you will help her attain her dream of becoming a doctor.

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Robert is a friendly 15 year old boy at Wells of Hope. He is very social and he enjoys his studies. His favorite subject is mathematics and in future, he wants to become a doctor. His favorite color is blue and during his free time, he enjoys playing football with his friends.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Robert used to stay with his aunt who takes care of 13 other children, 8 of whom are hers while the rest are for other relatives. She is a casual laborer who digs other people’s plantations to support the family. Robert’s aunt strives a lot to provide for her family, but cannot afford money for Robert’s school fees. As a result, Robert used to skip school.

With your help, Robert can attain his dream of becoming a doctor.

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Daniel is a humble and well behaved 14 year old boy. His favorite dish is rice and chicken; whereas yellow is his favorite color. He’s glad that he is at Wells of Hope because he was reunited with his father and no longer skips school. He completed primary level in 2021 and he is excited about joining secondary.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Daniel used to live with his grandmother and siblings; he is Jennifer Mary’s older brother. When they were separated from their father, their mother took them to stay with their grandmother who is elderly and sickly. She depends on farming for a living with very many responsibilities since she has other grandchildren under her care. With her low income, Daniel’s grandmother cannot provide education to her grandchildren. At the time Wells of Hope visited their family, Daniel had spent two terms without going to school.

Daniel’s dream is to become a pilot in future.

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Catherine is a 16 year old girl at Wells of Hope. She is very confident and can express herself in English. She’s very active and enjoys her studies. Her favorite dish is posho with beans; and her favorite color is red. She comes from Serere district in Eastern Uganda. She completed primary seven in 2021 and is excited about being at Hope High School.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Catherine and her siblings used to stay with their mother, who is a casual laborer. Catherine’s mother used to go all-out to provide education to her children. With her low income, she cannot afford to keep her children in school. Catherine and her siblings used to skip school.

Catherine wants to become a chef in future.

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Angel is a jolly, 17 year old girl at Hope High School; and she likes hanging around children a lot. Her favorite colors are pink, black, white and light green. In her free time, Angel enjoys composing songs. In future, she wants to become a musician.

Before joining Wells of Hope, Angel used to stay with her grandmother; her mother who unfortunately passed away during the birth of her younger sister. Angel became solely dependent on her grandmother who cannot afford to provide her with scholastic materials while also providing them with basic needs.

With your help, Angel can attain her dream of becoming a musician.

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Winnie is a jolly 17 year old girl at Wells of Hope. Her hobby is dancing. She enjoys her studies and her dream is to become a surgeon. Her favorite dish is potatoes with beef and pink is her favorite color.  She is very tidy and conscious with her property which shows her level of responsibility.

Before Winnie joined Well of Hope, she used to stay with her mother. Her mother strives to put food on the table, but with the little income she earns from doing petty jobs for other people, she cannot afford Winnie’s school fees and scholastic materials.

Your support can tremendously change Winnie’s life and bring her dream of becoming a surgeon to reality.

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Derrick is a happy, lively 17 year old boy at Wells of Hope. He has five siblings and one of them, is under the Wells of Hope Education Support Program. He likes playing football and wants to become a football star when he finishes school. His favorite color is yellow. He completed primary seven in 2021 and is extremely happy that he joined secondary.

Derrick has been under the Wells of Hope Education Support Program since 2013. Before joining Wells of Hope, Derrick used to go to the rice fields in order to get food for himself and his other siblings. He didn’t have any form of bedding and neither did he have proper clothing. He would sometimes go without food and if he got, it was only one meal a day. His mother is very sickly and in most cases she’s under intensive care.

By sponsoring him, you will help him attain his dream of becoming a football star.

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